Multilingual dictionary of mountain terms

29 May

picture capted by me: Bucegi, western crest

Dear passionate hiker! If you are hiking abroad, and make friends and you want to easily communicate with them about mountain related things, I come in your help with this

Multilingual dictionary of mountain terms

I put a lot of time and effort in it and i hope it helps you a lot. This is a .xlsx document that you can download into your computer. I tried to cover basic words that you could need when talking about mountain related things.  They are ordered from A to Z and they are translated in four languages: English, French, German and, of course, Romanian. 

Very important tip: when you open the .xlsx document you can notice that it has 3 tabs (sheets) named: English, French and German. I thought that I should make it easy for you, doesn’t matter what language you should prefer. So, you can choose one of the languages, and the dictionary will start with the word in the language you prefer in the first column, ordered A-Z. Enjoy it!

If you have any suggestions about what information you would find useful or you would like me to put on this site, do let me know and I will do my best to please you.

Zanoaga Gorges in Bucegi

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